SIRE : Dotcom Apopollo of Noracoon
DAM : The Tiptop Maine Icefall
BREEDER Phillips Holmes
HCM: Negative
PKDef: Negative
CHOCOLATE : Negative
CINNAMOM : Negative
SIAMEESE (cs) : Negative
BURMESE ( cb) : Negative
I waited a long time for a brown tabby in my breeding programme and finally Sunderland came into my life.
He has such a wonderful pattern and hoping he’ll pass this through to his babies next year he also has a very sweet personality laid back personality.
cannot thank enough Phillipa Holmes entrusting to have Sunderland into my breeding programme.
SIRE :Bellamoomdo Gustavo
DAME : Alisika Lace
COLOUR : Red classic Tabby
Breeder : Alison Blades
HCM :Negative
PKDef : Negative
SMA : Negative
CHOCOLATE : Negative
CINNAMOM : Negative
SIAMEESE: Negative
BURMESE : Negative
Shia is a home bred boy ,I fell in love with him at a very young age.
He has such a sweet gentle sweet character Know he’ll pass through to his babies next year,He’ a gorgeous rich red classic tabby and will enjoy showing him over the next coming years .
5 ring show
ring 1 best Division best colour
ring 2 best Division best colour
ring 3 best Division best colour,2nd best of breed
ring 4 best Divison best colour 1st best of breed and FINALLED 2ND BEST KITTEN
ring 4 best Division best colour 2nd best of breed